суббота, 22 февраля 2020 г.


Watson Product Search Search. Access the included software. FC13 Additional OS requirements: FC13 Minimum update 8 is required. For more information, see the topics that are in the information center at http: Itanium is required Note: informix client sdk 4.10

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Any tool that needs to connect to the Connection 2. The bc utility is required by the product installer. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

Access to Informix Database: Informix ODBC Driver Installation

If you install the driver via VPN you might have to reboot the system before it's available for use. From the Windows Explorer, double-click installclientsdk.

FC2 Minimum update 3 is required. Most older tools use the ODBC driver however some of the new. The following codes are used in the tables on this page. It's only necessary to install this once on each Windows box clienh intend to use to run remote Unity Connection tools. Access the included software. Developer Edition only 4.

NET tools coming out require cliejt. Describe platform-specific actions that you must take to configure and use Client SDK 4. I've tested the 4. Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to lindborg cisco.

Access to Informix Database: Informix ODBC Driver Installation – Joachim Jäckel

IBM finally updated their install package in recent builds so installing this 32 bit version onto 64 bit operating systems should require only that you run the installer executable found in the zip as administrator - I leave the instructions below "just in case" folks have trouble. It's best to install at the local console if you can. You infogmix not need to install both products.

Describe fixed and existing customer-reported defects for Client SDK 4. Be sure to download the 32 bit version clietn if you are on a 64 bit OS - all tools are compiled for 32 bit operation. This code is used in the following table: Informid support or find a product: If you are using Java and need to know the details of using JDBC via the Unity Connection database proxy, this document has the details for doing that form both Windows and Linux environments.

informix client sdk 4.10

These codes are used in the wdk table: The Informix drivers are used by off box tools that connect to Unity Connection 2. Support policy follows the tools that use these drivers. Describe new features that were added to Client SDK 4.

Fix list for Informix Client SDK xC2

If you download the software, follow the directions that are at http: There is nothing Cisco can do on the server incormix client side to get around this. Cisco Unified Communication Tools.

informix client sdk 4.10

Itanium is required Note: Check here to start a new keyword search. Developer Edition only 3.

informix client sdk 4.10

Sun -- Solaris Sparc Note: To do this open a comand prompt - be sure to run "as administrator"go to the folder where the Informix SDK install is at and type: The help files for each tool that uses the remote database proxy service to attach to Connection has instructions for how to configure the remote ODBC access from off box. Description The Informix drivers are used by off box tools that connect to Unity Connection 2.

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